Fashion show

A conference room that looked like a cafeteria was transformed into an aquarium for a fashion show dedicated to swimwear. The technology used at the event required no rigging, focusing instead on cordless LED spotlights and other lighting elements from the Excellent Line.

The idea was straightforward: the location was supposed to have an impactful aquatic feel and create a harmonious overall appearance suitable for the swimwear. Making this plan a reality had a hitch, however: the location itself. It was a stark training room. Together with an agency, we came up with a concept, and after various visits to the site, we were able to present a simulation to the customer that recreated the flair of a swimming pool. Clad in white, the space was entirely transformed thanks to projections of waves, which turned the idea of “water” into an experience that visitors could dive into!

In the end, models presented the latest in swimwear at a glamorous fashion show, and those in the audience felt like they were at a swimming pool.